Brush fire in carefree being put out.

Every summer, the Town of Carefree has to prepare for "Fire Season," which is typically from late April to late July, encompassing Arizona’s hottest and driest months. Recently, fires have become a year-round concern.

Wildfires are influenced by weather, topography, and fuel. Hotter, drier weather increases wildfire risk. Fires on flat ground are easier to control than those on rough terrain. Overgrown invasive weeds, grasses, and dead shrubs provide abundant fuel for wildfires.

The Carefree Fire Department strives to educate communities on wildfire prevention through the FireWise program. Locally, there’s been an increase in fires caused by construction activities in urban-wildland interface areas, often due to sparks from cutting, grinding, or welding. Not being prepared can make it so these wildfires quickly escape control threatening neighbors, adjacent properties, and State and National Forest lands.

The Town is requesting construction workers, site foremen, superintendents, and homeowners to exercise extreme caution during construction activities to prevent the ignition of wildfires. Preventing wildfires begins with safety protocols such as:

  • Designate a safety monitor for spark-producing activities.

  • Create ignition-free zones around work areas.

  • Equip sites with fire extinguishers.

  • Wet down areas at risk during construction.

  • Educate workers on prevention and emergency response.

  • Report early to 911.

According to federal data 85% of wildfires are directly related to human activity. Let's do our part to prevent wildfires and protect our neighborhoods, communities, and forests. Create defensible space, exercise vigilance in fire prevention, and to participate in Firewise risk reduction and prevention activities. Working together we can protect against and possibly prevent major fires. To learn more or to talk about the FireWise program, contact the Carefree Fire Department at 480-627-6200 or visit

Firefighter digging through dirt in brush fire.