Public Works

The Public Works Department plays a vital role in managing and maintaining the Town's infrastructure and amenities. At a high level, the responsibilities of this department include:

Management of Capital Assets

The department oversees and maintains various capital assets such as:

  • Public streets

  • Drainage culverts within public rights-of-way

  • Town street signs

  • Landscape within public rights-of-way

Facility Maintenance

  • Maintenance of Town-owned buildings and amenities is a key responsibility.

  • Ensuring the proper functioning and upkeep of public facilities to serve the community effectively.

Regulatory Compliance

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements, including the Town's MS4 permit and dust control permits, is essential.

  • The department ensures adherence to regulations and applies necessary chemicals in accordance with guidelines.

Resource Management

  • Efficient and sustainable use of resources is a priority for the department.

  • The Town Engineer oversees regulatory compliance requirements and ensures that facilities and amenities are managed and maintained over time in a resourceful manner.

Public Works Supervisor

Travis Johnson

Public Works Field Operators

Phil Wolf

Dustin Clarke

Bobby Marino