Code Enforcement
The Town of Carefree is responsible for protecting our community's health, safety and welfare through effective enforcement of city codes and ordinances.
The Town Code Enforcement office cooperates with the Sheriff's office in matters of law enforcement and has responsibility for the town ordinances other than traffic violations.
Code Enforcement
8 Sundial Circle
P.O. Box 740
Carefree, AZ 85377
Phone: 480-488-3686
Building Inspections
Phone: 480-488-1471
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
It is unlawful for any person to ignite, permit to be ignited, allow or maintain any outdoor fire within the State of Arizona except as provided in A.R.S. 49-501. Burning of garbage, trash, tree trimmings, weeds, stubble, debris or any other combustible substance is prohibited. If you have any questions, contact Maricopa County Department of Health Services, Air Pollution Control, 602-506-6727.
Curfew Hours for Minors
Without expressed exceptions, Carefree's Curfew Ordinance specifies that it is unlawful for minors under the age of 16 years to be any place in the town, away from their residence, between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. the following day and for minors, between the ages of 16 and 18, between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. For further information, contact the Town Marshal at 480-488-3686.
It is the responsibility of the property owner or tenant to keep his property and the adjacent public right-of-way free of debris. It is unlawful to permit the accumulation of rubbish, trash, garbage, junked or inoperable cars, or other accumulation of filth or debris on any property within the limits of the Town. Absentee owners of undeveloped lots or vacant homes should arrange with someone in the area to maintain their property during their absence. Unattended property deteriorates very fast and is a liability to the owner and the neighbors.
Dogs are not permitted at large. They must be confined within an enclosure on the owner's property or secured so that the dog is confined entirely to the owner's property or on a leash not exceeding 6 feet in length and directly under the owner's control when not on the owner's property. Any person owning or in charge of any dog shall immediately remove and dispose of any fecal matter deposited by the dog on public or private property located within the area bounded by Bloody Basin, Cave Creek Road, and Tom Darlington Drive, unless the property owner has given prior approval to use the property for that purpose. Pets are not allowed to disturb the peace of neighbors by loud noises at any time of the day or night.
Door-To-Door Solicitation
The Town has an ordinance prohibiting door-to-door solicitation of sales and contributions without a permit. Any recognized religious, educational, civic or charitable organization may apply for a blanket permit from the Town Marshal. Newspaper carriers are exempted from this prohibition. To discourage unwanted callers, we suggest you post "No Trespassing" or 'No Soliciting" signs.
It is unlawful to deposit any rubbish, glass, waste or construction debris upon the streets or upon private property within the Town. It is also unlawful to dump dirt on the streets of the Town or on private property within the Town without the permission of the owner and a permit from the Town.
Flyers & Handbills
It is unlawful for any person to throw or discard any flyer or handbill on public or private property within the Town including the placement of them on vehicles.
It is unlawful to litter or otherwise dispose of trash upon private property or public rights-of-way. If you see people unlawfully dumping, please get a complete description of the driver, kind of vehicle, and license plate if possible. Report this violation promptly to our Town Marshal by calling 480-488-3686.
Parking is not permitted on any portion of Tom Darlington Drive or Cave Creek Road, except in emergencies and in temporary exceptions allowed by the Town Marshal for special occasions. No parking is permitted on any public street from midnight to 5 a.m..
Short-Term/Vacation Rentals
Visit our webpage for more information on Short-Term / Vacation rentals in Carefree.
Skateboards & Scooters
The Town has an ordinance prohibiting the operation of motorized skateboards or motorized goped scooters on any sidewalk, street, or parking lot within the Town.
Speed Limits
Speed limits are strictly enforced by radar. Unless posted otherwise, the speed limit on a residential street is 25 miles per hour.
Town Vehicle Regulations
It is unlawful to operate an all terrain vehicle, sand buggie, go-cart, trail bike, mini bike, or similar vehicle in, on, and over any wash, common area or area not located on a public street without the permission of the owner. It is also unlawful to operate any motor vehicle, motorcycle, mini-bike, etc., on the streets of the Town without a valid driver's license and proper vehicle license.
It is unlawful to fire, discharge, or shoot any firearm or bow and arrow within the Town limits (with certain specified exceptions).
Man-wildlife encounters are inevitable as urban developments expand into neighboring wildlife populations. Because most wildlife species are opportunistic, they seek the best and often easiest source of food, water, and cover. In desert areas these vital components are often limited, and the luxurious growth of vegetation we plant and nurture in our yards is highly desirable.
Attracting Wildlife
Homeowners may attract wildlife into their yards for viewing and enjoyment, but the homeowner should also be aware of the trade-offs for such enjoyment. A bird feeder in a yard will certainly attract birds for viewing, but it will also attract javelina, skunks, squirrels and others to the seeds scattered about the ground. These animals will generally return as long as food is available. Concentrations of bird life may also attract certain hawks which prey naturally upon smaller birds.
Shrubs & Plants
Flower and vegetable gardens are often highly prized by javelina, skunks, rodents and others. Palatable ornamental shrubbery is seldom passed up by deer during the dry periods. Tall cultivated trees are widely used by congregating hordes of birds. Firewood, neatly stacked near the house, is a virtual sanctuary for snakes, squirrels, rodents and insects. Bug-zappers draw insects which in turn may draw bats and mammals that feed on insects. The cycle of attraction is often endless.
The Town and the Arizona Game and Fish Department encourages the enjoyment of wildlife in yards or in the outdoors. By using good judgment, many situations and potential problems can be avoided. As homeowners we have certain responsibilities in curtailing nuisance wildlife before it gets out of control. The following list of guidelines may help you to understand and alleviate problems with nuisance wildlife:
Remove any pet food from outside your house after the pet has been fed.
Secure garbage containers and eliminate garbage odors.
Cover fruit trees with mesh netting during fruiting season and remove fallen fruit from the ground.
Remove dead insects from beneath bug-zappers.
Clean up birdseed scattered on the ground beneath feeders.
Fence gardens, flower beds or other similar attractants. Commercial electric fences are effective in protecting gardens from javelina.
Trim and clean near ground level any shrubbery that provides hiding cover.
Remove debris and woodpiles from near your home.
Pen domestic birds in cages with wire or other roofs.
Keep yards and adjacent areas clean.
Securely close all entry ways to access beneath trailers or houses.
Fence yards and keep well maintained at ground level.
Do not approach or handle wildlife that appears friendly.
Anticipate stress periods for wildlife during dry periods. Eliminate ground level water supplies.
If problems persist that are not caused by you, check with your neighbors; maybe they are attracting the animals either unintentionally or for a specific purpose.
We must remember that all of us share the land with wildlife species and conflicts over jurisdiction are bound to occur. As expanding cities encroach into prime wildlife habitat, the problems created by displacement of native animals need to be understood by all of us.