
Strategically plan, design, build and maintain current and future infrastructure and facilities which support the community’s quality of life, promote economic vitality, and protect our environment.

The Engineering Department oversees the following functions:

  • Pavement repair & maintenance

  • Signing and striping

  • Crosswalk maintenance

  • Drainage and grading permit review

  • Design, repair, and maintenance of culverts and washes

  • Right-of-way Permits

  • Inspection of storm drains, roadway construction, and town infrastructure

  • Review of Building, Development, and Planning & Zoning Permits

Town Engineer

C.J. DiMaggio, P.E.

Pavement Plan

The Pavement Preservation Plan evaluates the condition of the town’s pavements to extend the life of its streets every ten years.

Construction in Right-of-Way

Utility installation requires an excavation permit from the Town. It is illegal to construct anything in the Town rights-of-ways without an approved permit. Before commencing any construction such as a wall, fence, or entry gate near the street, please contact the Town Hall to ensure it is not being built in the right-of-way.